Esther 3:5
Prev: Esther 3:4     Next: Esther 3:6
וַיַּ֣רְא הָמָ֔ן כִּי־אֵ֣ין מָרְדֳּכַ֔י כֹּרֵ֥עַ וּמִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֖ה ל֑וֹ וַיִּמָּלֵ֥א הָמָ֖ן חֵמָֽה׃
And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not down, nor prostrated himself before him, then was Haman full of wrath.
Tree Probability: 0.295
Avg Tree Probability: 0.84

Isomorphic Trees (with leaves) -- 4
Numbers 15:22
Joel 4:7
Esther 3:5
I Kings 11:37
Isomorphic Trees (internal nodes) -- 41
Genesis 10:2
Genesis 15:3
Genesis 18:33
Genesis 21:6
Genesis 30:7
Genesis 30:13
Exodus 3:3
Leviticus 16:28
Leviticus 19:14
Leviticus 26:9
Numbers 15:22
Joshua 22:26
Judges 11:6
Judges 20:9
Jeremiah 31:29
Jeremiah 36:15
Jeremiah 52:16
Ezekiel 1:25
Ezekiel 3:12
Ezekiel 21:18
Ezekiel 21:25
Joel 4:7
Esther 3:5
Esther 9:32
Daniel 7:21
I Samuel 13:9
I Samuel 27:2
II Samuel 13:21
I Kings 2:12
I Kings 2:43
I Kings 8:55
I Kings 11:37
I Kings 15:28
II Kings 10:32
I Chronicles 1:5
I Chronicles 1:17
I Chronicles 5:6
I Chronicles 5:41
I Chronicles 22:1
I Chronicles 23:10
II Chronicles 15:12